Showing posts with label Oracle Performace Scripts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle Performace Scripts. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 September 2014

What Wait Events Are Sessions Waiting On

Script shows what wait events are sessions waiting on :

set linesize 120
col username format a10
col event format a30
select sid, serial#,username, event,
seconds_in_wait, wait_time
from v$session where state = 'WAITING'
and wait_class != 'Idle'
order by event;

List status of all submitted DBMS jobs

Lists status of all submitted DBMS jobs:

set pagesize 100
set linesize 120
ttitle -
  center  'Submitted DBMS Jobs' skip 2
col job  format 99999  heading 'job#'
col subu format a10  heading 'Submitter'     trunc
col lsd  format a5   heading 'Last|Ok|Date'
col lst  format a5   heading 'Last|Ok|Time'
col nrd  format a5   heading 'Next|Run|Date'
col nrt  format a5   heading 'Next|Run|Time'
col fail format 999  heading 'Errs'
col ok   format a2   heading 'Ok'
  log_user                   subu,
  what                       proc,
  to_char(last_date,'MM/DD') lsd,
  substr(last_sec,1,5)       lst,
  to_char(next_date,'MM/DD') nrd,
  substr(next_sec,1,5)       nrt,
  failures                   fail,
  decode(broken,'Y','N','Y') ok

Segments with highest I/O activity

This script will list the top 10 segments in the database that have the most number of
physical reads against them. 
Script can also be changed to query on 'physical writes' instead.

set pagesize 200
setlinesize 120
col segment_name format a20
col owner format a10
select segment_name,object_type,total_physical_reads
from ( select owner||'.'||object_name as segment_name,object_type,
value as total_physical_reads
from v$segment_statistics
where statistic_name in ('physical reads')
order by total_physical_reads desc)
where rownum <=10;


Top SQL (Buffer Gets)

This script will list the top 5 SQL statements sorted by the most number of buffer gets or logical reads

set serverout on size 1000000
top5 number;
text1 varchar2(4000);
x number;
len1 number;
Cursor c1 is
select buffer_gets,substr(sql_text,1,4000)
from v$sqlarea
order by buffer_gets desc;
dbms_output.put_line('Reads'||'  '||'                          Text');
dbms_output.put_line ('-----'||'  '||'---------------------------------------------------');
dbms_output.put_line('      ');
open c1;
for i in 1 .. 5 loop
fetch c1 into top5, text1;
dbms_output.put_line(rpad(to_char(top5),9)|| ' '||substr(text1,1,66));
len1 :=length(text1);
x := 66;
while len1 > x-1 loop
dbms_output.put_line('"         '||substr(text1,x,64));
x := x+64;
end loop;
end loop;

Top SQL (Physical Reads)

This script will list the top 5 SQL statements sorted by the most number of physical reads

set serverout on size 1000000
set feedback off

top5 number;

text1 varchar2(4000);

x number;

len1 number;

Cursor c1 is

select disk_reads,substr(sql_text,1,4000)

from v$sqlarea

order by disk_reads desc;


dbms_output.put_line('Reads'||'  '||'                          Text');

dbms_output.put_line ('-----'||'  '||'----------------------------------------------------');

dbms_output.put_line('      ');

open c1;

for i in 1 .. 5 loop

fetch c1 into top5, text1;

dbms_output.put_line(rpad(to_char(top5),9)|| ' '||substr(text1,1,66));

len1 :=length(text1);

x := 66;

while len1 > x-1 loop

dbms_output.put_line('"         '||substr(text1,x,64));

x := x+64;

end loop;

end loop;

