The first step is to create an Oracle Wallet to store the encryption key details. There are several type of wallet available we are going to create a simple file based one. The default location of the wallet for a database is denoted by one of the following:-
- ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION parameter in the sqlnet.ora file.
- WALLET_LOCATION parameter in the sqlnet.ora file.
- The default location for the wallet ($ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet).
SQL> alter system set encryption key identified by "Test12345"; System altered.
At this point it is worth noting that you will need to reopen the wallet after an instance restart with the following command:-
SQL> alter system set encryption wallet open identified by "Test12345";
Should you need to the wallet can also be closed with the following:-
SQL> Alter system set encryption wallet close identified by "Test12345";
The next step is to create the encrypted tablespace. Now for this example I am going to create two tablespaces, one encrypted and the other not.
SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE encryptedts DATAFILE '/u01/app/oracle/datapump/data/encryptedts.dbf' size 10M autoextend on encryption using 'AES256' DEFAULT STORAGE(ENCRYPT);
SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE nocryptedts DATAFILE '/u01/app/oracle/datapump/data/nocryptedts.dbf' size 10M autoextend on;
SQL> SELECT tablespace_name, encrypted FROM dba_tablespaces;
Then create a couple of users and some objects to test with to test with:-
SQL> create USER test_encrypt identified by password; SQL> alter user test_encrypt QUOTA UNLIMITED ON encryptedts; SQL> alter user test_encrypt QUOTA UNLIMITED ON users; SQL> grant create session to test_encrypt; SQL> grant create any table to test_encrypt; SQL> create table test_encrypt.enc_test (nocrypt VARCHAR2(50),encrypt VARCHAR2(50)) tablespace encryptedts; SQL> insert into test_encrypt.enc_test values('Nocrypt column', 'This is a not encrypted!'); SQL> commit;
SQL> create USER test_nocrypt identified by password; SQL> alter user test_nocrypt QUOTA UNLIMITED ON nocryptedts; SQL> alter user test_nocrypt QUOTA UNLIMITED ON users; SQL> grant create session to test_nocrypt; SQL> grant create any table to test_nocrypt; SQL> create table test_nocrypt.enc_test (nocrypt VARCHAR2(50), encrypt VARCHAR2(50)) tablespace nocryptedts; SQL> insert into test_nocrypt.enc_test values('nocrypt column', 'This is a not encrypted!'); SQL> commit;
Now we are going to drop to os and inspect the datafiles. For safetys sake shutdown the database but if you’re a bit more cavalier than me flush the buffer cache to write the data down to disc first.
SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected.
SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;
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